Monday, August 9, 2010

WWE should get rid of some championship Belts !!!

Well Well Well, The WWE has alot of Championships in their stable. WWE championship, WWE World Heavyweight Championship, WWE Intercontinental championship, WWE United States Heavyweight Championship, WWE Tag Team Championship, WWE Women championship, WWE Divas Championship, seven Titles, less Talent on the roster, is There too many titles to lose interest in storyline and competition? Think about it!! Two shows Raw & smackdown, each shows with their own championships but very little title defenses, is there a problem? lets see now, in the begining the WWE had four titles and a Huge roster, Now alot of titles and less wrestlers on their roster... to be perfectly honest there is a huge problem!!!! The WWE Needs to get rid of some championship in order to keep a level playing field as far as the competition. to many titles are a Bore and less interesting... Example, The miz is the WWE united states champion, He hasn't defended the title because he's focus on the WWE championship. The WWE has to make a decision on the united states title, The longer the miz has it, the less competition for there is.... The WWE Divas title is also a problem, it over shadows the womens title over on smackdown, and again less title defenses. The WWE Tag Team championships is in a delema, both raw and smackdown titles are unified, The question is should the Tag Team titles be split once again ? The WWE title & The World title are right now the main championships that over ride all titles so theres no problem there. But like i said The United states title, the divas title, and the WWE tag team titles, are these titles ruining the competition in the WWE??????


  1. Do you ever write any pros about wwe or are you so pro tna that in your super great writing you can't

  2. i highly ever write about the WWE...

  3. but what i'm focusing on is,this is the WWE titles ruining the competition in the WWE?
