Today's Topic is very unique in it's own way... Back in late 1998-1999, The WWF had an idea to get fans interested, in a way that would strike fear inside you. Vince Mcmahon had a Storyline war with Stone cold Steve Austin, and some how ended up with a war with non-other than the Undertaker. The Undertakerhas had many looks to make his fans say""" WOW What the Hell!! But The Undertaker's look seemed to be like he was possesed by the devil in Human form. So In an episode of Monday Night War, Oh Let me explain back in 1999 Monday day night raw had a two hour slot, so the first hour was Monday Night raw, and then when the program reached the second hour it's called the War zone, so that why i called it monday night war. But back to the undertaker, In a storyline with austin, the undertaker had his brother kane upduct austin and ended up in a room that was full of candles and Paul Bearer was there, and what came next put a cold chill down my back. The show ended with the Undertaker doing a sacreficial Ceremony and the Undertaker speaking in tongues like the he was possesed again by the devil. Very creepy!!!!! Later in the year, the undertaker had other members to the group like Gangrel, edge and christian, Midian, Mable, and later on in the storyline Vince Mcmahon would involve his then young daughter Stephanie Mcmahon in the storyline just to involve himself as The greater Power... One of The most Funnier moments in WWF History of Monday Night Raw. JR, Had an expression he said when he found out when Vince was the greater Power and this was what he was saying.... JR:"Oh Son Of a Bitch"... When i heared it, the only thing that came to my mind was laughing my ass off. But when this happened, The ministry of Darkness became The Corpreate Ministry. ok let me explain again, When the ministry of darkness was formed, Vince had his own group called The Corporation, With Vince mcmahon, The Rock, Shane Mcmahon, Ken Shamrock, The Bossman,, and later chyna and Triple H. The Rock would later leave the corporation and start a war with Vince mcmahon. But as this was happening The Ministry of Darkness started to fade away, and The Undertaker would eventually take time off, and Vince found a way for the undertaker to leave, he had The Police officers arrest the Undertaker for something i don't remember, but after this incident The undertaker would be absent from the WWF for the later part of 1999, but ended up coming back at the WWF PPV called Judgement Day 2000, during The Iron-man match with The Rock defending the WWF title against triple H/w Shawn Michaels as Special Guest referee. The Undertakers return was called the birth of The American BadAss Undertaker. Today, Wrestling is so different and lacking the kind of excitement and Raw Emotion...
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